Teamcenter Schedule Manager

Teamcenter Schedule Manager

This training deals with the Schedule Manager, the integrated project management of Teamcenter.

  • Course number:WTR 2480

  • Duration:2 Tage

  • Participants:For Teamcenter administrators, project managers

  • Experience:Basics - Teamcenter user

  • Date:

The training covers the basic concept of handling tasks and milestones, and the configuration of the Schedule Manager integration. How deeply the Schedule Manager is interlocked with other Teamcenter features becomes clear when configuring workflows, requirements management, as well as reporting and analytics integration.
The fact that the Schedule Manager is not a stand-alone player appears latest at the Microsoft Project integration. To ensure that the Schedule Manager can be used optimally, the role concept of the Schedule Manager is discussed in detail. The connections and scope of the various roles, such as Schedule Owner, Coordinator, Participant and Observer, are explained. The topics of calendar adjustment, organizational structure, resources and preferences also play a major role in the administration. In various practical exercises, the acquired knowledge of the configuration and handling of the Schedule Manager is consolidated.

User interface
Create and manage schedules
Notifications and descriptions
Manage resources
Teamcenter Workflows
Manage calendar
Program view
Microsoft Project Integration

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