Teamcenter Administration

Teamcenter Administration

Administration and customizing Teamcenter are the main topics of this advanced training.

  • Course number:WTR 2420

  • Duration:4 Tage

  • Participants:For Teamcenter administrators, Teamcenter UA-users

  • Experience:Basics of Windows administration, Teamcenter user

  • Date:

The first part is about settings, which are possible in the Rich Client. For example preferences and their different types of use. With the function “Command Suppression” different user requirements can be set up in the menu. In addition, various types of rights restrictions will be learned about and clarified in more detail. It mainly contains the functionality of the access manager and the handling of access control lists in processes and projects. Adjusting the Teamcenter organization as well as creating workflows are part of the first training chapter.

The transition to the second training chapter, the Business Modeler, takes place through the creation of queries according to requirements. By getting to know the Teamcenter internal data model, the participant is able to define their own objects (items, datasets, tools,...) and to deploy them in a productive Teamcenter environment. For the optimization of the Teamcenter installation different possibilities will be discussed. The methods of different rules (naming rules, GRM rules, deep copy rules,...) complete the topic.

A large final project on the last day of the training, in which the participants can apply and deepen the knowledge and skills they have gained completes the "Teamcenter Administration".

Introduction to administration
Preferences and options
BMIDE basics
Teamcenter data model
Item – Business Object configuration
Relation Business Object configuration
Dataset Business Object configuration
Option Extensions
Rule Extensions
Packaged Templates
Query Builder
Access Manager
Projects for access control

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